Please print this out, sign and deliver to the club.
Guaranteed Numbers, The guaranteed number of guests must be furnished at least 4 working days before the function.
• If less than the guaranteed number of guests attend the function, the guaranteed number must be accommodated on the invoice and we retain the right to hold the function in another suitable room.
• The number of guests attending in excess of the guaranteed number will be charged for in full.
• Floor Plans and Settings Table floor plan and settings cannot be altered within twenty four (24) hours of a function.
Payment, Full settlement of the account is required on confirmation of numbers unless alternative arrangements have been made with the Functions Manager.
• A surcharge of 10% on Food and Beverage will apply to any functions held on Sunday and Public Holidays.
• Loss or Damage As the function organiser, you will be held financially responsible for any damage breakage or pilferage caused by your guests during your function. The cost of any damages etc will be charged on the function invoice. The Club holds no responsibility for items brought into the club by clients or other patrons.
Cleaning, General cleaning is included in the room hire charge. Use of confetti and or rice in the function rooms and surrounding club grounds is strictly forbidden and will incur additional cleaning costs.
I have read the above conditions and agree to comply with them.
Name: .................................... Signature: ................................. Date: ...............
Cash/Cheque amount of deposit:
Cash/Cheque amount of final payment:
Cheque No.: